Bug Tussel University – Free Tech Education
As it works on providing fiber optic internet options in seven Wisconsin counties, Bug Tussel Wireless is happy to provide potential users with more information about that option. Kristin Lambrecht of Bug Tussel Wireless says she’s learning more about it herself. She says the company offers technology classes called “Bug Tussel University” in communities that want to know more about their services including information on fiber optic. One of the classes they teach is “All About Fiber.” She says Iowa County, where the company got its start, has gone live with the fiber optic Internet option. She says by the second quarter of 2023 Fond du Lac, Marathon, and Waushara counties will also go live with that option. Those interested in having a “Bug Tussel University” class in their community should call Tori at 920-940-0114.
See the original story here! Thank you to Hometown Broadcasting for writing this great article!