Your Streaming Tool

Get Personalized Streaming Service Recommendations!

Find Your Streaming Bundle

Take a minute to answer a few quick questions about your streaming needs. With Bug Tussel’s streaming tool powered by MyBundle, we’ll recommend the perfect streaming platforms for you!

Monitor Your Streaming  – All in One Tool!

Keep an eye on your streaming platforms, costs, and content! Regularly update your account for best results!

Step 1

Get Internet

Make sure your internet connection is ready for video streaming. Looking for internet service? Learn about affordable plans from Bug Tussel or contact us today.

Step 2

Sign Up

Create a free account with Bug Tussel’s MyBundle tool. Take a minute to complete our quiz. Then input your info – your current streaming services, what you want to watch, and more!

Step 3


Find where to watch your favorite movies and TV shows with Bug Tussel’s MyBundle tool. No more switching from platform to platform or hunting online – search easily across platforms!

step 4

Track & Update

Create watchlists, keep an eye on your streaming service costs, and track what streaming services you have. For best results, update your account regularly!